If you are thinking about having some building work carried out on your property, then these are the building regulations you need to know. Whether you are thinking about extending your home, converting your loft, or replacing windows with more energy-efficient windows – these are the regulations you need to know.
For the perfect home extension or garage conversion, you need to get three things. Firstly, you need inspiration. Secondly, you need to know a great builder and finally, you need to know your building regulations.
It doesn’t take long to find inspiration for your new home improvement. A quick look in the celebrity magazines, a look on Instagram, or a visit to a friend’s home and you’ll soon find inspiration for your home improvement.
Once you’ve found the right builder then you’re a step closer to a superb home improvement too. The fact you are here on our website now, tells us you’ve already found your great builder – us!
But what about building regulations? There isn’t a lot of information out there about building regulations. This is why we wanted to put this series of blog posts together. These have been designed to help you understand the building regulations that you need to know.
In our first blog, we answer the question “what are building regulations?”. However, in the second blog in our series, we move onto the difference between planning permission and building regulations. We also help you understand if your project will need building regulations.
What Are Building Regulations?
Building regulations are a legal requirement for home improvements or major changes to your home. They refer to a set of minimum requirements for the design and construction of a building. The building regulations are in place to lawfully protect the health, safety, welfare, and convenience of those in the property and those around the property.
Building regulations are mandatory regulations. They were made under the Building Act 1984 in England. However, these regulations are often changing and being updated. This is why you should work with an architect and builder to prepare the plans and finer details for you.
We would always recommend that you seek advice before starting any large home improvement projects. If you are using professional builders in Peterborough, like our experienced team, they can ensure you’re up to date with the latest requirements of the building and planning regulations. Alternatively, you may want to approach the building control team within your local authority. They can offer advice on your project. In the same way as a professional builder, they can help ensure your property and home improvements will meet building regulations.
If you are considering extending your home, replacing your windows, or converting your garage – contact our team. We can help you understand the building regulations you will need to meet. Our team will create the perfect property changes for you while ensuring all relevant building regulations are met.