As per recent announcements from the government, the end of lock down is in sight. While we don’t think things will return to normal; there will be a ‘new normal’ for some time. Here at Allbright Property Maintenance we have been missing our lovely customers’ lots, but we have been embracing the down-time.
In this blog post we would like to talk about what we have been up to during lock down and what the ‘new normal’ will look like for us and for our customers.
During Lock Down
The team have been doing lots of training during lock down. This allows us to improve on our skills, gain some new skills and improve our levels of customer service and care. For example, the team have completed Asbestos Awareness training and Electrical Safety. When you choose Allbright Property Maintenance, you know you’re in safe and experienced hands.
We have also completed Date Protection training so our customers know their data is protected and looked after securely. Additionally, we have completed Mental Health Awareness training. This training has enabled us to better support and help our team, as well as our customers.
The ‘New Normal’
We have been putting steps into place for when we are able to work in our customers’ homes again (recently and at present we have only been working in empty properties or in gardens). We have been purchasing an array of PPE; this has not been of medical grade as we want to ensure our NHS workers have the equipment they need. The PPE purchased has included gloves, masks, full protection suits and sanitising equipment which will be available to engineers at all times.
A one man to one van has been introduced to eliminate van sharing, to ensure we implement the 2 metre rules at all times and to protect our highly skilled workforce. We have installed lots and lots of signage at the office, reminded employees and visitors of social distancing rules, personal hygiene, hand washing and government guidelines. A sign has been installed to inform visitors to the office that this is a ‘no hand-shake zone’ for the time being.
We have created a text service for our customers too. 24 hours before we are due to attend work at their house we will check that everyone in the house is well. We ask that customers respond with Yes or No to confirm there are no symptoms of coronavirus in their home. This then protects our team, but also other customers who we will be visiting after that home. We also send a message that reminds them the customer of the 2m social distancing rules for when the skilled worker arrives at their home or business.
The safety of our team and our customers is of high importance to us. We have carried out all full and thorough risk assessment of all works. Our team have been given the Covid-19 panic procedure and all information from the DHSC (Department of Health and Social Care as well as PHE (public Health England) is sent to them as updates and guidelines are changed.
Here at Allbright Property Maintenance we are extremely passionate about what we do and we love helping make your homes look beautiful. While we can’t wait to see all our fantastic customers again, safety is our top priority.